
Freedom : the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints My space to blog.. display my inner thoughts..

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Recently, Tiger has lost someone dear. I can feel his pain when he narrates how his mum passed away. It reminded me of how I see my mum collapsed and how helpless I felt when I couldn’t rescue her. It was sudden and none of us see it coming.

My whole world collapsed then. I felt so guilty because I could have done more for her. My biggest regret is that I could not bring her to Chiang Mai that I promised her. It will never happen and I blame myself for it. She was looking forward to the trip.

It felt so unreal that she has left us permanently. I missed her voice, her laughter, her touch, her home cooked food. Every little thing in our house reminded me of her. The thought of returning home and not seeing her cheerful face made me sad. I had to cry myself to sleep on many sleepless nights. It pained me to throw away her medications, her bed, her belongings and many items in our house that reminded my family of her.

People around you will tell you, “Don’t worry, you will get over it eventually.” This is not true.

I can never get over my mum’s death even it is almost 2 years. Sometimes, I missed her so badly that I can feel surge of pain in my heart at every thought of her. The pain is engraved and absolutely nothing can take it away. However, the pain will heal over time. It is like removing a tattoo. The scar is permanent but will fade over time.

It takes tremendous strength to overcome this crisis. It is impossible for me to go through this crisis by myself. I am blessed to have my close friends to help pick myself up.

Mum is now in a happier place – heaven. She has never left me. She is always watching over me and resides in my heart. For sure, I know she does not want to see me unhappy. She has given life to me and I am certain that she wants me to live life to the fullest.

Everyone shares a unique relationship with his or her mum. Motherly love is indeed noble. This maternal bond is truly amazing and indescribable.

Tiger, I am confident you can go through this hurdle in your life. Be strong and brave! Life still goes on. Embrace the beautiful life your mum has given you with hope.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Both are mum's favourite gifts.
Handmade gift from little moon gal..

Mother's day gift from Kor during his primary school days..
