
Freedom : the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints My space to blog.. display my inner thoughts..

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Pearls of Joy
I was wearing pearlies necklace on my 26th birthday ytd. A set of precious pearl necklace & earrings that I specially picked in Taipei for my precious mum.. My first birthday without my mum. I must admit it is not at all a nice experience.

I thought this set of pearl accessories were burnt to ashes with my mum. I realised it was still around when I returned from Perth conference. My dad emptied my mum's bags before selling off her baggages of clothings to garang guni man. For only 2 bucks? Ridiculous price for such precious stuffs.. priceless stuffs..
Intially angry with my dad for selling off mum's belongings..but probably he did the right thing as this can probably ease our pain.. Memories of mum natuarally flow back at sight of her belongings. It is a blessing in disguise. If not, I might not discover her pearl accessories.

I was overjoyed when I know mum's pearl accessories were still around. It will be safely kept in my possession.. forever..

Pearl has brought mum joy.
I asked Moon gal once, "What are you going to buy for auntie mummy when you grow up and earn money?"
Moon gal replied, "When I hv money in future, I will buy a house for ma, buy a car for pa and buy pearl necklace for auntie mummy."

Such a simple reply but it has brought happiness and comfort to my mum.


Blogger Debt1Consolidation said...

The death of English textile worker Nellie Kershaw in 1924 from pulmonary asbestosis was the first case to be described in medical literature, and the first published account of disease attributed to occupational asbestos exposure. However, her former employers (Turner Brothers Asbestos) denied that asbestosis even existed because the medical condition was not officially recognised at the time. As a result, they accepted no liability for her injuries and paid no compensation, either to Kershaw during her final illness or to her bereaved family after she had died. Even so, the findings of the inquest into her death were highly influential insofar as they led to a parliamentary enquiry by the British Government. The enquiry formally acknowledged the existence of asbestosis, recognised that it was hazardous to health and concluded that it was irrefutably linked to the prolonged inhalation of asbestos dust. Having established the existence of asbestosis on a medical and judicial basis, the report resulted in the first Asbestos Industry Regulations being published in 1931, which came into effect on 1 March 1932.
The first lawsuits against asbestos manufacturers occurred in 1929. Since then, many lawsuits have been filed against asbestos manufacturers and employers, for neglecting to implement safety measures after the link between asbestos, asbestosis and mesothelioma became known (some reports seem to place this as early as 1898 in modern times). The liability resulting from the sheer number of lawsuits and people affected has reached billions of dollars. The amounts and method of allocating compensation have been the source of many court cases, and government attempts at resolution of existing and future cases.

7:37 PM  

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