
Freedom : the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints My space to blog.. display my inner thoughts..

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Just like Heaven

We treated dad to dinner as it was his bday ytd. Nobody mentioned anything about mum. It's not that we have forgotten about her. I dare not mention about mum as i know dad will be affected. I know mum will be happy whenever we treat her to dinner, no matter how simple the dinner will be.

We still miss mum badly. But life still moves on.. I have to constantly remind ourselves that mum is now happy in heaven and watching over us. It is an end to the medical check ups, blood tests and medication that she has always feared and detested.

There is a recent movie named 'Just like Heaven' which i missed to catch. Kor told me it is a nice one. Some people describe victory just like heaven, bountiful fortune just like heaven..

Sometimes, i wonder how will mum be in heaven. I am certain that she will be freed from illness, sorrow, insecurity, emptiness, worries. No matter what, she is always in our heart. We are fortunate enough to experience her selfless love for us.


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