
Freedom : the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints My space to blog.. display my inner thoughts..

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Brave Front

We often have to put up a brave front to prove our capability. The males are built to manage emotions better than females. Today, females are taking up more responsibilities at work or at home. As much as the ladies have to live up to other's expectations, it is inevitable that we have to succumb to the emotional and weak element of us.
Today, I know that a customer of mine has contracted cancer. She's a career woman who has successfully built her reputation over the years in a male dominated industry. Her passion for her work is admirable. She's working alone in a foreign country away from her family. I can't help but feel emotional by this news.. It must be very very hard for her. I pray for perseverance for my friend!
We can be transformed by trouble. We can choose to succumb to setbacks or we can choose to become stronger. There are 2 options and it is up to us to make this choice.


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