
Freedom : the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints My space to blog.. display my inner thoughts..

Monday, October 17, 2005


Dad returned from his first M'ysia trip after mum has retired from the world. I was expecting him to narrate happenings of his happy day as he always does in the past. He always enjoyed M'ysia. As usual, I asked him how his day was. I can sense that something is amiss.

He told me in a trembling voice that many friends asked him why he didn't bring my mum along for this trip. These are people whom my parents have made friends with in shops and restaurants they often frequent in M'ysia. I knew my dad has to let loose his emotions.
I comforted him, " Cry if you want to. You will feel better."
He broke down. I broke down too. It pains me so much to see him in sorrow.
I sms my kor and told him to come home early. He did obediently. We talked alot to dad last nite. No matter how painful and difficult these emotional hurdles we have to cross, we still have to keep on continuing to cross these hurdles. In event that we fall, i hope it will be less and less painful for us to pick ourselves up.

Mum has always been a sociable person. She enjoys talking to people. She has a big heart, always putting others interest above hers. I am certain she is well rembered by the neighbours, friends, relatives and people who have crossed her path.
I pray for strength. I pray that we become stronger each time we cross each hurdle together.