
Freedom : the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints My space to blog.. display my inner thoughts..

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Roti Boy

I had a roti boy for breakfast. Describe roti boy.. Piping hot when fresh from oven. Strong coffee aroma. Sinful but simply irresistable.
I once searched high & low for the bakery in Kuala Lumpur. I need badly to try the bread. (Roti boy was just launched in M'ysia) Strong recommendations from my colleagues. My search was of course rewarded with the sumptuous bread.
Till to date, my gal friends still joke about my desperate search attempt then.
An avid food lover who is excited about new food discoveries. Who can't resist tasty food?
I introduced roti boy to Mr Ruthless from Australia. He bites into it and commented how good it was.
The next minute, he said, "Wait, i will go back to australia and register trade name - roti boy. We don't have this back in australia. I probably can earn some money by selling the name if Roti Boy franchise makes its way to Australia."
"Brilliant idea", i thought.

A typical businessman spotting an opportunity to earn money. Why not?

I was at Bugis Junction.
Mum rang me, " Can you buy a roti boy for me if you pass by the bakery? I like it. I shared one with your dad in M'ysia. It is very nice."
I replied, " You can't eat too much of this. It's too oily, bad for your health." I was hesitant to buy cos i know the bread is oily and does not do good to my mum as she is diabetic and has extreme high cholestrol level.
I did not buy in the end as the bakery was closed when i left the shopping mall. No compliants
from mum.
A frail lady craving for one of her favourite food. What's so difficult about this simple request?
I can never get to fulfil her simple request again. My regret. Sorry mum.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Pearls of Joy
I was wearing pearlies necklace on my 26th birthday ytd. A set of precious pearl necklace & earrings that I specially picked in Taipei for my precious mum.. My first birthday without my mum. I must admit it is not at all a nice experience.

I thought this set of pearl accessories were burnt to ashes with my mum. I realised it was still around when I returned from Perth conference. My dad emptied my mum's bags before selling off her baggages of clothings to garang guni man. For only 2 bucks? Ridiculous price for such precious stuffs.. priceless stuffs..
Intially angry with my dad for selling off mum's belongings..but probably he did the right thing as this can probably ease our pain.. Memories of mum natuarally flow back at sight of her belongings. It is a blessing in disguise. If not, I might not discover her pearl accessories.

I was overjoyed when I know mum's pearl accessories were still around. It will be safely kept in my possession.. forever..

Pearl has brought mum joy.
I asked Moon gal once, "What are you going to buy for auntie mummy when you grow up and earn money?"
Moon gal replied, "When I hv money in future, I will buy a house for ma, buy a car for pa and buy pearl necklace for auntie mummy."

Such a simple reply but it has brought happiness and comfort to my mum.